Alameda a Community of Neighbors
Located in inner Northeast Portland Alameda is a community of neighbors who care about our environment, our schools, our future as a community, and supporting each other.
The Alameda Neighborhood Association is run by neighbors for neighbors.
We advocate for smart policies, take action on neighbors’ concerns, facilitate communication about neighborhood issues, and host events to bring residents together. Our goal is to help residents feel more connected and to work together to create a livable, thriving neighborhood, because Alameda is more than a place, it's a community.
Connect with the Alameda Neighbors
AlamedaPDX Facebook page is a great source for neighborhood news, issues and events and the most up-to-date source for events and volunteer opportunities.
Alameda on The ANA does not manage a profile on Nextdoor, but you can find more than 1,200 of your Alameda neighbors there discussing everything from Neighborhood safety to history to free kittens.