City & Neighborhood Resources

Portland Maps

Searchable information including homes facts, taxes, zoning, crime, parks, historic permits and more.

Code Violations

City resources for common code violations  including: abandon autos, construction without permits, land & commercial use, tree concerns, and noise.

Active Transportation

Whether by foot, bus or bike PBOT has the information to get where you need to go.  TriMet offers bus lines with service in or near Alameda.

block party

Did you know your Block Party requires a permit from the city? Good news it's free!

Host your block party safely with barricades--and don't forget to enjoy some tasty food with your neighbors!

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Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams (NETS) are trained by the city  to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods. Connect with the Alameda NET and be prepared.


Reduce, reuse, borrow, repair! Sustainable choices are easier with the help of Repair PDX monthly repair cafes to fix small appliances, and NE Portland Tool Library where you can borrow common garden, home and kitchen tools. For FREE!